The New Age Mum

Gift for Dad

Posted on: Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Of late, Clemens has been quite a chatter box, asking me about the most incredible things I have heard from him and talking about how noisy trucks and buses can be. But the most hilarious and nerve-breaking thing was to explain to him why we can’t get a wheel-chair for his dad as a gift. It all began when he saw an old man on a wheel-chair.

Clemens: What is that mummy? (Pointing to man in wheel chair)

Mummy: That is a wheel-chair

Clemens: Mummy wheelie chair nice huh? Let’s buy for papa k?

Mummy: No, papa will not want a wheel-chair.

Clemens: No wheelie chair huh, papa don’t like huh?

Mummy: It is not that but because daddy can walk so he don’t need one

Clemens: Can we call dad and see if he wants a wheelie chair?

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Hi I am Angelia Giam! This site is basically dedicated to my 2 very precious boys who have filled my life with the all the colours of the world. It is also about me striving to lead a balance and fulfilling life with the family I have created. I have also added some basic food recipes which I have tried and tasted; and recommended some parenting books which I have read and found it to be useful as well for all to share.

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