The New Age Mum

Archive for June 2008

The along awaited tickets are finally here. The boys are really going for their 1st live concert. It is so exciting. 🙂

My darling dear, today marked the 3 years you have been with me. I can’t tell you how happy and scared I am.

Scared that you are unhappy with me because I am not a good mum to you;

Scared that you will be bullied or you will turn to a big bully.

Scared that I will unintentionally create sibling rivalry between you and Damir because you might think that I love him slightly more

Scared that you might be a slow learner because I can’t teach you as many things as I want to due to my own ignorance.

Ok I am worried of everything a mother will be but as of now I can’t tell you how proud I am because you are my son.

You have a big heart for a 3 year old;

You protect your brother well for a 3 year old;

You help out in the family in the best way you can for a 3 year old;

The way you hug and tissue my tears away whenever I am sad is perhaps more than what a 3 year old can do; and

The way you try to protect me whenever your dad pretends to bully me touches my heart in the way I have never felt before.

Because of you, I have learnt love and respect.

Because of you, I have learnt to cherish my every day to live to the fullest with you and Damir.

Because of you, I am always learning as I try to quench your thirst for knowledge.

Because of you, I am trying to be a better person so that I can set an example for you and Damir.

You have brought my memories as child and yet at the mean time, you brought me a whole new perspective for our future.

Words can never describe how glad and how proud I am to have you as my son.

Happy 3rd Birthday my Dearest Darling Clemens


Read at your own risk. This site may contain some sensitive issues. Please do not carry on reading if you think it might upset you. The owner shall bear no responsibility to your emotional and physical health being.

Welcome to The New Age Mum

Hi I am Angelia Giam! This site is basically dedicated to my 2 very precious boys who have filled my life with the all the colours of the world. It is also about me striving to lead a balance and fulfilling life with the family I have created. I have also added some basic food recipes which I have tried and tasted; and recommended some parenting books which I have read and found it to be useful as well for all to share.

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