The New Age Mum


This page is especially dedicated to my fabulous mum. She has taught me a lot about cooking and it is thanks to her that I can now cook a decent meal for my very own family.


 In this page, though some of the recipes may be taken out from books or the internet and some of which may be some that I have come out on my own, most of it are still my mum’s recipes.They are tried and tested recipes with step-by-step photos.

I hope you will find all these information useful and happy reading to all.


However, if any instuctions given are unclear or if there is still questions, please do drop me a comment and I will try my very best to answer and explain.











Read at your own risk. This site may contain some sensitive issues. Please do not carry on reading if you think it might upset you. The owner shall bear no responsibility to your emotional and physical health being.

Welcome to The New Age Mum

Hi I am Angelia Giam! This site is basically dedicated to my 2 very precious boys who have filled my life with the all the colours of the world. It is also about me striving to lead a balance and fulfilling life with the family I have created. I have also added some basic food recipes which I have tried and tasted; and recommended some parenting books which I have read and found it to be useful as well for all to share.

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